The Lockdown Look


I’ve heard a lot of jokes being thrown around about a lockdown outfit. To be honest, I didn’t really think much of it, until I arrived at my very own version about 2 weeks into the UK lockdown. It happened very gradually and sort of became a part of me before I could even work out how to open a door with my elbows.

I realise, that fashion was not at the forefront of anyone’s mind when everything changed back in March and quite rightly! There were far more important things going on. But now we have made our way through a portion of the difficult times, we seem to have been able to calm our nerves and find our own routines, which is a good coping mechanism.

What was my lockdown outfit? Well, it varied between sweatpants and shorts with a vest and usually involved my dressing gown until late morning. Oh yes, I did have a shower when I got up, so I was actually clean! It suddenly became acceptable to sit around in my ‘day jacket’ way past breakfast. Well, I actually had to change this when I decided to switch my daily workout to the mornings as the weather warmed up, so that stopped that. Although I was comfy, but I did find I wasn’t really focused on what I should have been doing.

Now is that a psychological thing I associate with my ‘comfy’ clothes? I don’t associate them with sitting at my desk churning out my work, but I do associate them with snuggling with a coffee and book on the sofa. Who knows and the answer is probably yes, but it did become apparent that it wasn’t working for me. So, I resorted back to what I would usually wear but more on the casual side unless I had a meeting. Then I could swap my top for the Zoom call and get away with jeans and flip flops under the table! Anyone else done that?

Early on in lockdown, I thought I could actually get away with no makeup for a Zoom call. I mean I wouldn’t show up in person looking like I did, so why do it on a video call I don’t know! Well, I soon decided I wouldn’t do that again because: no makeup + terrible lighting in the room + sitting on my bed at a terrible angle = a very unflattering 45 minutes indeed. I would prefer to feel at least ok on these calls and if it means I have my eyebrows on, then so be it.

Will the way we shop change now? Undoubtedly. Will fashion retail still exist? Of course. Maybe this is the time, to embrace our own style and really accept who we are and that it’s ok to be natural and go shopping in our activewear. Will there be parties again? Yes, and I can’t wait to get dressed up and go on a date in public with my other half. We can expect things to just be a little different going forward. Who knows to what degree until we get there, but I still love clothes and we can’t go around naked! Welcome to the new and improved online world of fashion!

Image by naeim jafari on Unsplash

BlogVictoria McKenna