

From Marathon Training to Sofa Bound

Like thousands of pregnant women before me, I’ve gone from a weekly keep-fit regime, to well…nothing for the past 5 months. Namely, because nausea set in and then all manner of pains and discomforts. Could it be because I’m not a spring chicken doing this? For the London Marathon, I was running 3 times per week plus Hiit sessions/weight training on top for strength.

But with Covid, it just came down to running and then that stopped during June when I found it difficult to move from bed to the sofa! Thankfully, the charity I was fundraising for, the Teenage Cancer Trust, has allowed me to defer my place until 2022!

I recently received some great advice however, from Owner and Personal Trainer Naomi, at Real Fitness in Newtown As I’m keen to do anything, although usually a few squats or lunges is all I can manage before I feel the effects, Naomi gave me these pointers:

  1. Don’t get too hot exercising during pregnancy.

  2. If doing cardio, you must be able to hold a conversation.

  3. Dumbell squats are a good exercise.

  4. No heavy overhead exercises.

  5. Don’t over-do it!

Simple but effective advice and there is a sense of guilt at not being able to do any real ‘fitness’, but I think that stems from my previous routines. However, I learnt very quickly in that first trimester, to do exactly what my body wanted. I read somewhere it’s your body’s way of protecting the developing foetus.

How are you coping? Watching your body go from what you’re used to, to something completely different I’ve actually found quite a shock some days. I can mainly cope with walking at the moment and 4 miles is a great day for me. Bed to the kitchen is the opposite end!

Have you any fitness advice you can share, that worked for you? Leave a comment below.

Victoria x

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